Thursday, August 30, 2007

Big Fun At The Fair

Well we got to take Kent to the local fair and he loved every minute of it. We could not do much with him at his age but what we could do we did with him. The first day we sat and watched the band. Thats what the first two pictures are from. He loved the music. Just kept jumping up and down and singing and clapping. He shared ice cream with nana. He loves ice cream. The second day was when we walked around and looked at things. He is such a big flirt too. Everytime he saw a kid he smiled. He met his cousin for the first time there. She is 10 months old. We put their strollers beside one another and they kept touching and talking to each other. It was so cute. We came along this cute visor with a fish on top. He likes fish so we got it for him. He kept trying to take it off and he did get it off so then he decided to chew on it for the rest of the evening. I just thought he looks so cute with it on. In the evening he got to get on his very first ride. The Merry-Go-Round. He loved it. I got dizzy myself. He just kept jumping up and down and talking. Was so cute. So that was our days at the fair. He did play one game the duck pond game and won a soft baseball glove with a rattle in it. Well thats all I have for now. We probably won't take him back. Mike and I are going along tonight so we can watch the motorcycle stunt show. Kents Nana is going to keep him for us when we go. Well I'll be back again soon with more pictures. Have a good day.

Happy and Sleepy

Here are two pictures that I found that I forgot to post. They are just of Kent waking up from his afternoon nap. One he was as happy as could be and the other one is of him like he is still tired when he woke up. I have fair pictures comming up in my next post.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cute as a Button

Hello everyone. Sorry it has been so long since I got on here to post pictures. I have been busy taking care of Kent. The dr. put me on bedrest so all I can really do is take care of kent, which right now has been hard because I have been in pain when I walk too much or bend over to pick kent up. I do my best that I can with him. I am so lucky to have family here to help me out. Mike works alot. I am 31 weeks tomorrow so only 9 more weeks to go. I cannot wait. I hate these last couple of weeks. Today we took kent to the fair for the first time. We did not do much because I can't do much walking but we sat and watched the band. It was a country band. Kent really enjoyed the music. He was dancing in his stroller to the music. He clapped to at the very end other than that when everyone clapped he looked funny at them. We will probably go again tomorrow or thursday and will take pictures then. We did not go till late today. I will get pictures of him on rides then. Oh Kent has 2 more teeth comming in. The middle top two. Well thats all I have for now. I'll get on another time to post more pictures. Good Night!