Saturday, November 24, 2007


Well today was funny. Kent was acting so silly today. These are not all picture from today. In the evening was when he started acting silly. He started this thing that when you yell at him he makes the same exact sound at you. It is hillarios!!! Then he decided to keep spinning me and Aerielle around on this glider chair we have and when a commercial came on the tv once that he liked he tried to stop and the chair kept right on going and he tried to keep up with it and fell. What a riot! He just started this thing today where he wants to try to stand on his head or flip over I don't know one of them. So anyways. The one picture on here shows how Kent likes to use his old baby bouncer that aerielle now uses when she is not in it. He likes to use it as his recliner. He falls asleep in it in some funny ways here is one example. The other pic of him with that blue thing is him with his blankie. He carries that thing around everywhere. He got to enjoy his first piece of birthday cake. It was his Pa's birthday cake. He thought it was yummy! Well we decided to get Kents hair cut Yesterday. Not alot just a trim to get his hair out of his eyes and off his ears. I could not get a good picture though but it does look much better. Looks like a big boy now. My little boy is growing up too fast right before my eyes. Well thats all I have for tonight I need to put a new picture of Aerielle up on her site. Good bye

Sunday, November 18, 2007

more old but new pics

Here are some random pics. The first one is of kent really small maybe a month old. The second one is of him for the first time in his big boy eating chair. The next one is of Jent and daddy this past summer. The last pic I found is of Kent and his Aunt Tasha at Mauch Chunk Lake. Thats all I have for now. I have 2 pics but i'll post them later.

new but old pictures

I just found some old pictures of Kent on my digital camera that I have not used in so long. These are pictures of him hanging out on a blanket with us at Mauch Chunk Lake. We all took turns going out on the boat fishing that day but he could not go out because we did not have a life vest small enough for him. I have more pics comming up that I found.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

first boo boo

hello again. yes you see it right! Kent smacked his head up. he was standing by an end table and tried to walk and fell and hit his head on the corner of the end table. he was lucky it was not a half of an inch lower or it would have hit his eye. he only cried for a min. I think it scared us more than So yes he drew his first blood. He is fine though, besides the nice mark on his eyebrow.

big brother

hello everyone. sorry I have not gotten on here much. I have been busy with the kids. yes aerielle is finally here. she was born oct 10th at 7:43 pm and weighed 4lbs 14oz and was 17 inches long. Kent loves his little sissy. he even says sissy already. he is such a big boy now. starting to walk and talk more. finally starting to hold his own bottle. here are some pics to show what I am talking about. I am making a blog on aerielle as well.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hello everyone. Here are some new pictures of Kent. He was being really silly this day. He got a new hat which he does not like to keep on so I got a quick picture of him with it on. He likes to take it off everytime I put it on him. He is getting better at walking. So far he walks up and down the couch and goes from the end of the couch to the toybox. Today he seemed warm to me so I took his temp. and he had a feaver of 101.4. His nose has been running and he has been sneezing more than usual. He does not seem to be cranky but I know he has a cold. His grandfather just got over a bad cold. It only lasted like 3 days. So we got Kent infant tylenol for colds and gave that to him right before he went to bed. Hopefully it does not get much worse and he does not get cranky. Well my dr appointment went well. Everything is looking good. Baby is doing fine and growing normally. Heartrate it normal. I have another appointment in 2 weeks and then I start to go every week. Next appointment they start checking my cervix and the position of the baby. Time is getting near and I can't wait. In a way I can and in a way I can't. I know it's going to be hectic for a little while till I get used to have 2 little ones that want my attention all of the time. I think Kent is going to love his little sister. He loves other babies and young children especially girls. SUCH A FLIRT!!!! Well I am off to bed I just got Kent to bed at 11pm and I hope he stays asleep and does not wake up in pain from being sick. Well i'm going to go bed now have a good night!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hot Dog

Hello everyone. How is your weekend going? Ours is going well. We have tyler this weekend. Kent loves it when he comes over for the weekend! Has a blast playing with him. I guess on wed kent is going to meet his older sister for the first time. It has been awhile since we were able to get over to visit her. She is going to be suprised. Kent is not eating some foods we eat now. He loves it. he eat mac n cheese, hot dogs, eggs, stuffing, fruit puffs and we started to get him to drink milk. We tried cheerios but he has a hard time chewing them. He loves it that he can feed himself! Sometimes he gets frustrated when he can't pick things up because they are wet like pears. He starts yelling and screaming. This other weird thing he has been doing lately which is odd. He loves Tigger. HE has the bouncing tigger that he always loves to play with but recently when he pulls tigger on his back he gets so mad because he can't get him back on his springs. He starts yelling at tigger. He is also going to be walking very soon I think. I think it will be before he is 1. He stands by himself for a couple of secs at a time. We put him in his walker on the sidewalk and he starts running down the sidewalk. He does not know how to keep it straight yet. He now has 4 teeth and I think another one is comming in on the bottom. As far as me and the pregnancy. This girl does not ever stop moving around. She seems to kick me all day long and likes to sit on top of my ribs for some reason. Nights are crazy anymore. Just as I seem to get myself to sleep she seems to wake me up. Never fails. Kent never moved this much. He mostly moved at night and a little during the day. I hope this does not mean they are going to be complete opposites. Kent is such a good baby. I can't do much anymore without getting pains really bad to where I just have to lay down. I don't know if I'm going to make it to Oct 31. I am 33 weeks now. Doctor says everything is going well. We think we have a middle name for the baby finally. that means her name will be Aerielle Frances. I think that sounds cute together. Well thats all for now. I'll be back and post more pics later hopefully.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Very Tired

Well this weekend was fun. Our town had a festival all weekend. Here is one picture of kent at the end of the night. He was so wore out. He was able to get on two rides. The slide and a ride similar to the tea cups that spin around. We could not get him to get on the merry go round again well mike took him on tonight and he got sick. He is afraid of the horses after what a real horse did to him at the other fair that we went to. A horse sneezed in his face. So now he is scared of horses. I guess we will have to try to overcome that fear. Other than that we al have been doing well. Kent is getting bigger as usual. He now has 4 teeth. We started feeding him eggs, bite sized fruit, and those gerber puffs. And other things that we feel that he can eat when we eat. He choked on the first puff we gave him but after that he got the hang of it. I am doing well with the pregnancy other than the usual pains when I walk too much. I just can't wait for our little girl to be here. Well anyways I am off to bed I am tired and need some sleep. Good Night.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Big Fun At The Fair

Well we got to take Kent to the local fair and he loved every minute of it. We could not do much with him at his age but what we could do we did with him. The first day we sat and watched the band. Thats what the first two pictures are from. He loved the music. Just kept jumping up and down and singing and clapping. He shared ice cream with nana. He loves ice cream. The second day was when we walked around and looked at things. He is such a big flirt too. Everytime he saw a kid he smiled. He met his cousin for the first time there. She is 10 months old. We put their strollers beside one another and they kept touching and talking to each other. It was so cute. We came along this cute visor with a fish on top. He likes fish so we got it for him. He kept trying to take it off and he did get it off so then he decided to chew on it for the rest of the evening. I just thought he looks so cute with it on. In the evening he got to get on his very first ride. The Merry-Go-Round. He loved it. I got dizzy myself. He just kept jumping up and down and talking. Was so cute. So that was our days at the fair. He did play one game the duck pond game and won a soft baseball glove with a rattle in it. Well thats all I have for now. We probably won't take him back. Mike and I are going along tonight so we can watch the motorcycle stunt show. Kents Nana is going to keep him for us when we go. Well I'll be back again soon with more pictures. Have a good day.