Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hello everyone. Here are some new pictures of Kent. He was being really silly this day. He got a new hat which he does not like to keep on so I got a quick picture of him with it on. He likes to take it off everytime I put it on him. He is getting better at walking. So far he walks up and down the couch and goes from the end of the couch to the toybox. Today he seemed warm to me so I took his temp. and he had a feaver of 101.4. His nose has been running and he has been sneezing more than usual. He does not seem to be cranky but I know he has a cold. His grandfather just got over a bad cold. It only lasted like 3 days. So we got Kent infant tylenol for colds and gave that to him right before he went to bed. Hopefully it does not get much worse and he does not get cranky. Well my dr appointment went well. Everything is looking good. Baby is doing fine and growing normally. Heartrate it normal. I have another appointment in 2 weeks and then I start to go every week. Next appointment they start checking my cervix and the position of the baby. Time is getting near and I can't wait. In a way I can and in a way I can't. I know it's going to be hectic for a little while till I get used to have 2 little ones that want my attention all of the time. I think Kent is going to love his little sister. He loves other babies and young children especially girls. SUCH A FLIRT!!!! Well I am off to bed I just got Kent to bed at 11pm and I hope he stays asleep and does not wake up in pain from being sick. Well i'm going to go bed now have a good night!

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