Here are more kissing pictures taken on Jan. 23, 2007. Boy does he love o give kisses. He loves to also cuddle with mommy and give hugs. THATS MY BOY! I am so proud of my boy. He is getting so big. Last night was his first night in the crib. He slept in there all night. I just put on music and he talks himself to sleep. He is in there again right now. I used to have to rock him to sleep, but not anymore. He is growing up right before our eyes. He is the love of my life along with my fiance, his daddy. well I am going to call it a night and get some rest. Almost time to pick daddy up from work. Tomorrow is going to be a long day it's moving time. Have to leave by 6:30am. I also started having trouble again with our van. It keeps stuttering sometimes for some reason, so I tried putting dry gas in it. I don't know if it is because of the cold weather starting to freeze the gas and keeping the gas from getting into the gas lines. Hopefully thats all it is. So I better try to get some sleep. I'll be back sunday night with an update
Friday, January 26, 2007
Kent just hanging out on mommy's shoulder
Here is my little boy hanging out over my shoulder checking things out behind me. He is very alert of the things that go on around him. He has been very alert since the second I delivered him. When he was on my chest he was looking all around at me. He has been oing push ups when I lay him down on his tummy. He also likes to turn himself over. If I lay him on his back he rolls over to his stomach, or if I lay him on his tummy he rolls over to his back. He also loves to stand on my lap and try to jump up and down. He is going to learn things quickly. Ok well another post comming right up. I have to catch up on my pictures.
Mommy and Son
Well here is another picture of mother and son taken on Jan 21, 2007. I took them myself. Aren't we so cute??? My little boy is getting so big. Our only problem we have had lately is that kent has had constipation problems. I have been giving him apple juice watered down. 1 ounce water to one ounce apple juice at an ounce a day. I started to cut it back to every other day when he had a normal stool but them it came back again so now I have him back to an ounce a day. Thats all thats new for now. Another post comming right up with more pictures.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Well Today was another normal day. Last night I did not get to bed till around 3:45am because I had to pick up daddy from work. Then Kent had me up at 5:30am. then I fed him and back to sleep and then back up at 9am. I was so tired. Nana was up by then so she took him while I got some extra sleep. Kent still does not like to sit in his car seat for rides. He screamed so much today in the car on the way to get daddy to work. As soon as we got him out of his seat he was fine as could be. I had to take pictures of him in this outfit. He is so cute in his cords and sweater. The pants are too long but his sneakers keep then from going over his feet. Well that was my day. The usual normal day. Nothing much exciting except for kent laguhing and talking when you talk to him. Well Thats all for today. All I have to do yet is bath him and get him ready for bed. Have a good night everyone and see you tomorrow with more pics.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Kent on Pa right before bedtime.
Well last night went well. Kent slept a whole 6 hours. This picture is a picture of kent laying on Pa's chest right before bed. He was just laying there smiling at him. We started giving baths every night before bedtime. That seems to be helping him sleep more at night along with the cereal I put in his bottle right before bed. Today consisted of waking up around 8:30am and then getting dressed and then taking daddy to work. After taking daddy to work we went to pick up big brother. Kent was not too happy with the commute. He hates to be sitting still in the car anymore. The bumps on the road seem to calm him down. Not too much exciting going on today. We are trying to get him on a regular sleep schedule. Here is a picture of him on his brothers blanket laying on the table watching him play his gameboy. He likes the music it makes. He kept smiling at him alot. Well I am going to call it a night now. I'll be back tomorrow with more exciting things....Hopefully I have some. I'll definetly have a picture or two of kent. See you all later and have a good night....
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Bath time
BATH TIME! The first picture on the left is a picture of kent in his bouncer before bathtime. He was giggling and laughing. Very good mood. This is my first smile snap shot. Then we have the picture to the far right of him in bath tub. He actually does like it until I wash his hair. For some reason he looks like he is not sure in this picture. Looks like he is really thinking about crying. He always has his fists up in air like he's ready for a right. LOL. Funny thats how all his ultrasound pictures were too. Now the middle picture is right after he got all dressed and warmed up from the bath. we had to get a picture of that because we wanted to get a picture of his curl right on top of his head. It's funny when his hair is wet it's really curly but when it dries it goes straight. well thats all I have for today. It's time for me to try to get some rest. kents been in bed for about 2 hrs now. I am trying to get him on a reg sleep schedule. now its my bedtime. will have more pics tomorrow. night!
Chubby Cheeks
Here is a picture of me giving Kent kisses and getting kisses in return. He really likes to give out kisses. He is going to be a big flirt. We are going to have to watch out for the girls. He is going to be a handsome young boy. Blonde hair with blue eyes. To the right at the top is our first picture together. I dont think he wanted his picture taken that day. All we do is take pictures of him. Most of the time he is all smiles. Thats my little boy. Well he is getting big so fast. 6 weeks already. Well the other picture is a close-up of his chubby cheeks. He is filling out well.
Big Brother feeding Kent
Christmas Day
This is Cristmas day. Right before everyone came over to exchange gifts. He was getting his rest while Nana was holding him. He must have knew there was going to be lots of noise. His first christmas turned out really nice. He got so many new clothes. Even though there was so much noise he still slept through all of his gifts he got. He got some more toys too but can't play with them yet.
Kent on Christmas Eve
This is Christmas Eve. The top picture is of daddy kissing Kent. Of course kent was giving daddy kisses too. He loves opening his mouth to give you kisses. Then he laughes at you after the kiss. The second picture is of me holding kent on my lap. He was smiling at me beacuse Nana was trying to get a picture of him smiling. So i was talking to him. I think he thought I was crazy. LOL...Kent opened his christmas presents on christmas eve.We did christmas eve and christmas at Nana and Pa's. Here is a picture of him with his new toy. It was one of those floor toys that he lays under and kicks the toys hanging. He just laid there staring at the toys. could not really do much yet but he likes to stare at the toys. and listen to the music the toy plays. The other toys he got were a boucing tigger, Fisher price puppy that plays music and plays games, bottles, small toys, clothes, and diapers.
Big Brother Tyler holding new little brother
Well here is the big brother Tyler holding is little brother Kent for the first time. He lives with his mommy and was comming to visit his daddy and I but did not know his baby brother was born yet. We waited to tell him till he got there. He saw his new baby brother and was so excited and could not wait to hold him. So here is the first picture of them together. Kent was only a couple of days old. He was only like 3 or 4 days old. Awwwwww how adorable. That day was nice. Tyler kept sitting there talking to kent and soothing him when he cried, but kent really never cried except for only when we would change his clothes or diaper.
New baby in the house
I never thought this day would come where I could hold my baby in my arms. I found out I was pregnant in the middle of April 2006, by a two home pregnancy tests. I could not believe the first one so i took another one to make sure there was nothing wrong with the first test. And sure enough it was positive. I visited the dr. on april 30th and that was the day I found out for sure that I was pregnant by a drs. pregnancy test. I told the dr. that I took two home tests and he told me that if I took two home tests and they came out positive that there was a good chance I was pregnant. So he did the test for me anyways and it was def. positive. I never really had that bad of mornings. I would just feel sick in my tummy but never got sick. I always got rid of the sickness by eating a piece of toast. I could not eat anything else till I ate my toast. Then I went at the end of May for my first ultrasound to find out my due date. They told me my due date was December 5th 2006. So by the first ultrasound I was 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. They scheduled my next ultrasound. July 22nd. That was the day we were to find out what we were having. They got him up on the screen and there was no doubt he is a BOY. You could not miss it. They printed out so many pictures of him for me. Pictures of his face in 4D. It looked like I was looking him right in the face. And you know it is funny. I looked at the ultrasound pictures and him when he was born and he looks just like the ultrasound pics. How Amazing the technology they have now. So months and months went by and I kept growing and growing. Before I was preg I weighed 120lbs and right before I delivered I weighed 167lbs....WOAH......Every Drs. appointment went fine month by month. All my bloodwork went great. No signs of any problems. Then I went to my last drs. appointment on December 5th in the morning at 9:30am. They wanted to do a stress test on the baby that sees how the baby is dealing with the pregnancy since I had not had him yet. They put my on a monitor to monitor the heart rate when I was having contractions. His heart rate dropped once. So the nurse wanted the dr. to do an ultrasound to see if the baby was moving properly because I had told her the baby was not moving as much as he used to. So I went into the drs room and the ultrasound confirmed that. He would not move once. So the dr. stripped my membranes and sent me off the the Labor and Delivery in the hospital to be induced because he felt it was time for the baby to come out soon. However by the time I got there My contractions were comming more often and the nurses wanted to let things go on naturally. I started having regular contractions around 11:30am. I was able to eat lunch before they decided to five me anything. They gave me some Ptossin to help things move along. When I got that my contractions came every 1-3 minutes. And stronger by the hour. By the time i was 2 centimeters I was in alot of pain. Finally I ok'd the nurse to get the anastheologist for an epidural. I waited as long as I could because I was scared more to get the epidural than anything. But actually it really did not hurt. The contractions hurt more. It took them awhile to get it in because everytime I had a contraction they had to wait. Then about an hour later the Dr. broke my water. It was nice to see the screen that showed my contractions and not feel any of them. I was about 3 centimeters by then. About 2 hours after breaking my water I felt like I had to push. The nurse said she wanted to check my cervix first. So she checked me and I was already 9 centimeters. So the dr then came in and checked me and she said his head was right there and it was time to push when I felt the urge. I could feel him moving down. Then at 10:26pm He came out. I only pushed for 12 minutes. A beautiful baby boy weighing in at 6lbs 10.6oz and 21 inches in length. It was so amazing. Tears of joy filled the room as he lay there on my chest for the first time.
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