Friday, January 26, 2007

Kissing and cuddling

Here are more kissing pictures taken on Jan. 23, 2007. Boy does he love o give kisses. He loves to also cuddle with mommy and give hugs. THATS MY BOY! I am so proud of my boy. He is getting so big. Last night was his first night in the crib. He slept in there all night. I just put on music and he talks himself to sleep. He is in there again right now. I used to have to rock him to sleep, but not anymore. He is growing up right before our eyes. He is the love of my life along with my fiance, his daddy. well I am going to call it a night and get some rest. Almost time to pick daddy up from work. Tomorrow is going to be a long day it's moving time. Have to leave by 6:30am. I also started having trouble again with our van. It keeps stuttering sometimes for some reason, so I tried putting dry gas in it. I don't know if it is because of the cold weather starting to freeze the gas and keeping the gas from getting into the gas lines. Hopefully thats all it is. So I better try to get some sleep. I'll be back sunday night with an update

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