Friday, February 2, 2007

Am I cute or what?????

Well I haven't been able to get on for a couple of days. computer decided to die on us. Had to get a new one. Now we have another one so I can continue my posting. Kent is getting more of a personality now. He will sit there and smile and try to talk by making the cutest noises. Kent is almost 2 months already. He will be 2 months on Feb. 5th. Wow does time ever fly, but I love every second of it. He is still sleeping in his crib and also sleeping most of the night now. He usually sleeps about 8-10 hours. Doing so well! This is a picture of him in his onsie that looks like he has underwear on. It's the cutest little outfit. Well moving went well. We got all of our stuff out of our old apartment. We did it all in one day. Had alot of stuff too. LOL. Good thing it was moving stuff all down steps. I am going to be starting to help a neighbor sell on ebay. It's been awhile since I have done it but it is all comming back to me now. That will be a nice side job. She has ALOT and I do mean ALOT of stuff to sell. I started by ordering her boxes and labels. Well anyways. I am going to call it a night and get some rest before I have to get Mike from work. I'll post more tomorrow.

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