Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Pro already???

Ok another plain day. My little boy is learning how to use the computer already. He just sat there hitting the keys. It was so cute. He loved it.
Still getting bigger by the day. He just started getting cradle-cap though, So I have to start putting oil on his head. Today was an interesting travel though. Within 3 hours there was like 5 accidents around here. The one accident was really bad. It involved a bus (not a school bus) and a little red car. The driver of the car died and the driver on the bus was taken to the hospital. Then they detoured people onto another road because they had to close that road for a couple of hours. Well I was listening to the radio on my way home and here there was another accident and it was on the road that they detoured the other cars onto. It's not unusual for an accident to happen everyday around here but like 5 in that little bit of time is crazy. The roads were salted but there was no Ice that i could see on the roads i traveled on. I don't know if it was the sun that caused that accidents or what. At one intersection there was 2 guys pushing an old truck out of an intersection because it broke down. Anyways, enough about the traffic. Well Kent is still sleeping well in his crib. Still also sleeping just as long as before. The good thing is that he finally started eating more at a time now. Well I am going to sit here and relax and play some games on the computer. I'll be back tomorrow. Have a good night.

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